In response to the release of Chianti version 7.0 in October, 2011,
the XRT response functions were re-calculated using the latest version.
No significant difference so far found between the response function with
version 6.0.1 and 7.0.
1. The Respnse functions.
The solar spectra were calculated with the latest Chianti version 7.0, for
'coronal', 'hybrid', and 'photospheric' abundances.
- (a) solspec_ch601_corona_chianti.genx
- (b) solspec_ch601_hybrid_chianti.genx
- (c) solspec_ch601_photos_chianti.genx
- (d) solspec_ch700_corona_chianti.genx
- (e) solspec_ch700_hybrid_chianti.genx
- (f) solspec_ch700_photos_chianti.genx
Then I modified XRT_FLUX.PRO so that it can access the above spectrum files
by setting the corresponding keyword.
IDL> flux_c = xrt_flux(logte, f1,f2, tim, /corona)
IDL> flux_h = xrt_flux(logte, f1,f2, tim, /hybrid)
IDL> flux_p = xrt_flux(logte, f1,f2, tim, /photos)
IDL> flux_c7 = xrt_flux700(logte, f1,f2, tim, /corona)
IDL> flux_h7 = xrt_flux700(logte, f1,f2, tim, /hybrid)
IDL> flux_p7 = xrt_flux700(logte, f1,f2, tim, /photos)
Below are the response functions of all the X-ray analysis filters available at XRT,
as of 12-Nov-2006. Due to the contamination accumulated on the CCD, the XRT response
functions are time-dependent.
Al-poly/Open | C-poly/Open | thin-Be/Open |
med-Be/Open | med-Al/Open |
Open/Al-mesh | Open/Ti-poly | Open/thick-Al |
Open/thick-Be | Al-poly/Ti-poly |
3. The Filter Ratios.
These plots shows that the Chianti ver 7.0 makes no sigificant difference
in the filter ratio curves relative to those with version 6.0.1.
C-poly/Al-poly | thin-Be/Al-poly | med-Be/Al-poly |
med-Al/Al-poly | thin-Be/C-poly |
med-Be/C-poly | med-Al/C-poly | med-Be/thin-Be |
med-Al/thin-Be | med-Al/med-Be |
Al-poly/Al-mesh | Ti-poly/Al-mesh | med-Al/Ti-poly |
thick-Be/med-Al | Ti-poly/Al-poly |