Advisor: Roger Scott
In recent years observations of solar flares have revealed the plasma and magnetic fields in supra-arcade current sheet structures to be extremely dynamic. In a recent paper in the Astrophysical Journal (Scott, Longcope & McKenzie, 2013) we investigated one particular phenomenon in which a descending magnetic feature drives flows and shocks in the surrounding plasma. This analysis has consequences both for the kinematics of the descending element and the dynamics of nearby plasmas and fields. This summer's REU student will investigate generalizations of the existing analysis as well as developing new results and observables.
The project will involve theoretical mathematics, including techniques in conformal mapping and fluid mechanics, as well as numerical techniques and analysis of data from the Hinode and SDO satellite missions. Early goals for the project will be clearly defined while the general direction of the project will, in part, be decided by the student. Mathematically inclined students are encouraged to apply.