REU 2015 Room Assignments Etc.

OS Programming Experience Roskie rm # Parking
Josiah Lapolla Unverferth and Longcope EPS-230 laptop Apple MacBook Pro, Yosemite X11 18-month with IDL, writing own codes with it; also used Python (2 yrs), AWK, Perl (1.5 yr). Some experience with Fortran and C++. - no
Marika McCarthy
EPS 230 Laptop Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2; X11 never used IDL; comfortable coding in Java and C++. has used Java for 2 years and C++ for 1; has programmed in MATLAB - yes
Matthew Thornton
EPS 230 laptop PC Windows 8 never used the IDL language before; has done a lot of programming in Wolfram Mathematica, and have previously done (very) basic C++. - no
Zachary Werginz
Munoz & Longcope
EPS 230 laptop PC Windows 8.1 Pro used Mathematica before; in current Numerical Analysis course learning how to use it and are even programming our own modules into it that support the algorithms we develop in class used to compute numerical approximations. - no
Logan Carpenter
CoBH-411/EPS-255 laptop
PC programmed in c++; will learn Matlab. - no
Gillis Kendra Shaw CoBH-411/EPS-255 laptop, but desktop preferred HP Pavilion with Windows 8 minimal experience with Mathmatica and Matlab. - no
Jon Slater Shaw CoBH-411/EPS-255 laptop Apple w/ OS X Yosemite fair amount of experience in MATLAB; completed a course Numerical Modeling in Physics with weekly programing assignments in MATLAB; also familiar with Mathematica and LabVIEW;slightly less familiar with C++ FGH yes
Tyler Croteau
CoBH-409 laptop Windows taken a programming class in C++; has used small amounts of Python language for simple numerical graphing tasks. Most experience with Mathematica, use this language almost daily for the past four semesters with regards to evaluating data and for the creation of simulations. - yes
Reyann Joiner Klumpar CoBH-409 desktop PC with Windows 8; but desktop preferred used IDL in past REU for a few weeks; a decent handle on Python: used it for the majority of project last summer and used it many times in the last school year as well. - yes