Measurements of Magnetic Reconnection to/from Emerging Active Regions

Advisors: David McKenzie and Dana Longcope

When viewed in X-rays or extreme ultraviolet (EUV) the Sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, consists of many thin strands called loops. These loops are believed to trace out the magnetic fields which, while giving structure to the corona, also provide the energy for heating the Sun's atmosphere and for powering the explosions known as solar flares. The process of magnetic reconnection, whereby magnetic flux is exchanged between neighboring magnetic systems, is crucial to the evolution of coronal structures and to the release of stored-up energy; however much of what we know about reconnection is strictly qualitative. For a true understanding of this fundamental process, such that we can eventually predict the occurrence and magnitude of solar eruptions, we require quantitative observations of magnetic reconnection. In this research project, we will take advantage of X-ray and EUV images of the corona to make time-resolved quantitative measurements of magnetic flux transfer, using a technique pioneered by the team at MSU.

The participating student will analyze images and movies of coronal loops, made in X-rays and EUV with space-borne telescopes, in comparison to photospheric measurements of the Sun's magnetic field. The student should have studied electromagnetism and have some experience working with computers. Programming experience in any language (especially IDL) is desirable, but not required.