Tyler Croteau

Colorado School of Mines

Solar Physics REU Student - Summer 2015
Montana State University

Contact: tcroteau@mymail.mines.edu

Office: SSEL Lab EPS Building

Advisors: Dave Klumpar

My Research

Through the Space Science and Engineering Lab (SSEL) at Montana State University, my research initially focused on conducting the orbital analysis for various cube satellite constellation designs. The constellation of cube satellites focus evolved into a mission that seeks to characterize space weather and plasma wave phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere through multi-point magnetometer measurements. With a determined science goal for a constellation of cube satellites, my work shifted into the mission design process for a swarm of 6 0.5U cube satellites: Space Weather and Radiation Multi-point Magnetometry (SWaRMM). My work in the mission design process for SWaRMM consisted of further characterizing the orbit for the swarm as well as the calculation of a power, link, data, telemetry, and energy budget through a systems engineering approach. The preliminary design results look promising for an unprecedented mission such as SWaRMM, and can be seen in my paper linked below. Throughout my research I also aided in the satellite communications operations for MSU's ongoing mission for the FIREBIRD 3 and 4 cube satellites, as well as performed functional ops for ongoing missions in the SSEL.



Research Log

Midterm Presentation

Final Presentation

SWaRMM Mission Design Study


About Me

2015 REU Home Page

Space Science and Engineering Lab