Summer 2017 REU Projects

Project type and supervisor
  Project title and brief description
(Click title for details)

Modeling with 
Dana Longcope 
  Simulating A Solar Flare
Solar flares occur when a large amount of energy is converted into X-rays, heat, and supersonic fluid motion. Prior to the flare this energy is stored as magnetic field filling the atmosphere above sunspots and related features called active regions. The energy is released suddenly when an electric field changes the connectivity of several coronal magnetic field lines, which then retract rapidly. The fluid in these field line moves faster than the speed of sound and therefore creates shocks, which are believed to heat the plasma to tens of millions of Kelvins. In this project we will run numerical simulations to model this process.
Data analysis with 
Jake Parker
Charles Kankelborg
  Explosive Events with IRIS
Solar explosive events (EEs) are line broadenings observed in transition region emission lines, at temperatures of 20,000K - 250,000K. It is widely believed that EEs are signatures of magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere. In this project, we will analyze far-ultraviolet spectra and images from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) to study reconnection in the solar transition region.
Data analysis with 
Jiong Qiu
Chunming Zhu
  Evolution of Solar Active Regions on the Far Side
To understand and predict solar activity, magnetic field measurements are essential. The Solar Dynamic Observatory has provided magnetic field measurements but only in the hemisphere facing the Earth. The STEREO mission launched in 2006 carries two spacecraft that observe the Sun from different views. In this project, we will analyze ultraviolet images of the Sun taken by these two spacecraft, and study evolution of solar active regions when they are behind the Earth view.
Data analysis with 
Jiong Qiu
Dana Longcope
  Measuring Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares
Solar flares are energetic events in the solar atmosphere. During a flare, a physical process called magnetic reconnection restructures magnetic fields in the solar corona, forming closed magnetic loops and sometimes large scale structures called flux ropes, and releasing free magnetic energy in these structures. In this project, we will analyze solar flare observations in the ultraviolet wavelengths to measure properties of magnetic reconnection and its role in energizing flare loops and flux ropes.
Data Analysis with  
Aki Takeda
Chunming Zhu
  Solar Soft X-ray irradiance with Hinode/XRT
Radiations of the Sun in different wavelengths vary in a 11-yr cycle, which is the solar activity cycle. Montana State University is home of Hinode/XRT Synoptic Composite Image Archive with soft X-ray observations of the Sun taken from 2006 to present. In this project, we will analyze these observations to derive long term variations of solar soft X-ray irradiance, and study its spatial distribution. Student will also have opportunities to learn operation of an international satellite like Hinode.
Modeling with 
John Unverferth
Dana Longcope
  Modeling the Effects of Magnetic Field Variation on Solar Flares
Solar flares occur when a large amount of energy is converted to heat and fluid motion. Prior to the flare this energy is stored in a magnetic field filling the atmosphere. The energy is released suddenly when an electric field changes the connectivity of magnetic field lines in the corona. Solar flares occur in field lines which are weakest at the apex, and stronger at the feet. In this project, student will work to match numerical results from simulations with observational data.
SSEL Activities
Hardware development with 
John Sample
  Space Hardware Development: Space Flight Systems for Space Science
Join our Small Satellite Team for Summer 2017! MSU's Space Science and Engineering Laboratory (SSEL) involves science and engineering students in highly responsible roles associated with the development of space flight systems for scientific applications. The student(s) will develop spaceflight hardware through design, development, and testing as a member of an interdisciplinary project student team. Participants must be U.S. citizens.