After the end of the 2013 meeting, this webpage was edited to remove some material that was no longer timely. To access the original, full version of the webpage, click here.
A list of all the abstracts, cross-linked by authors/co-authors, and with links to the presentation files and audio recordings, is here.
The block schedule is available at
The detailed schedule, listing all talks and their times is at
The final list of registrants is viewable at
Scientific Organizing Committee: Leon Golub (Chair), Terry Forbes, Neal Hurlburt, Terry Kucera, Dana Longcope
Local Organizing Committee: David McKenzie, Dana Longcope, Toni Lee
The detailed scientific program is linked above. Some items of note:
Lecture for the public, "Our Explosive Sun", by Dr. Tom Berger of the National Solar Observatory. Monday night, July 08, 7:00pm