Make your Own Yohkoh Satellite!
This activity is a little technically advanced. To print the instrument
blueprints you will need a graphics software program that can view
and print JPEG images without rescaling them. If you do not have one
please visit one of the web sites below before you begin this lesson.
Begin Construction...
In this activity you will construct your own Yohkoh satellite, seen
above, using actual satellite blueprints. Be sure to visit our Yohkoh Satellite
web pages to learn more about this solar satellite.
Materials Needed:
- A Box with dimensions proportional to 1 x 1 x 2 (Two sides the same
length, one side about twice as long)
- One piece of cardboard that is the same length and depth as your box.
- Six pieces of posterboard. (Approx. 2/3 as long and 2/3 as
wide as your big box. We'll get specific later)
- Construction paper or butcher block paper
- One piece of legal size paper
- ~20 popsicle sticks
- Plenty of tape
- Scissors
- Ruler
- A printer to print out the satellite blueprints
This satellite contains 28 instruments. Some of these are science
instruments, others are support instruments. You will construct all 28
instruments and place them into the satellite shell in the appropriate
places. After the first three pages of this activity there will be an
opportunity for you to obtain all the blueprints and print the
entire lesson, if you prefer. Let's get
YPOP Homepage
Solar Classroom
Begin Construction

Lesson designed by the YPOP
For questions about this lesson, please contact
Michelle B. Larson