Slide 1

Facts about the Sun

Other stuff about the Sun

The Sun is big!

Names of things on the Sun

The Sun is the source of all our energy

The Sun’s energy comes from its core

You can see different parts of the Sun by looking in different colors

The Sun’s rotation


Sunspots underlie coronal active regions

The Sun’s magnetic field

Coronal Active Regions

The Solar Cycle

Comparing the Sun: 1996 to 1999

A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)

Strong CME and proton blast

Solar flares from an active region

CMEs busting out all over

How to recognize an Earth-bound CME

Sigmoids in the X-ray corona

S marks the spot animation

Space weather: a CME approaching Earth

Earth’s Magnetosphere and a CME

Earth’s magnetosphere reacting to a CME

Auroras often occur when a CME hits Earth

Spectacular aurora

The auroral oval

CME impact on Earth’s magnetosphere

Aurora as seen from space

Powerful magnetic storm: 1989

When CMEs impact our magnetosphere

How can we prepare for CMEs?

Many related Web sites can be explored

Web sites about Solar Max