Menagerie of loops
The images shown were obtained from the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on the Yohkoh solar research spacecraft from October 3, 1991 to January 25, 1992. This particular selection
is described in the article "The Yohkoh Mission for High-Energy Solar Physics", by L. Acton, et. al., Science vol. 258 , 23 Oct. 1992 pp. 618-625. The images here were selected to
exemplify a variety of solar coronal features seen in soft x-rays.
A. Large Helmet type structure B. Arcade of x-ray loops seen end-on C. Dynamic eruptive which grew at a velocity of about 30km/sec D. One of many small symmetrical flaring
loops seen by SXT E. Two cusped loops with heating in northern loop F. Tightly beamed x-ray jet toward southwest at 200 km/sec G. The sinuous magnetic connection between
active regions. This image and caption taken from Yohkoh SXT |
Page Created by Ryan McWilliams and Piet Martens