This phenomenom has been linked with McKenzie's Cartoon
This image from Yohkoh SXT reveals the post-CME arcade formed
during the eruption of 29 August 1992. The CME occurred on the east limb
of the Sun, and the peculiar appearance of this arcade -- particularly the
fan of roughly linear spines on top of the arcade -- was described by
Svestka et al. (1998, Sol Phys, 182, 179). Many more examples of "spiny
arcades" have since been analyzed, and it is these supra-arcade
structures which most clearly reveal the supra-arcade downflows analyzed
by Dave McKenzie and Hugh Hudson (McKenzie & Hudson, 1999, ApJ, 519, L93;
McKenzie, 2000, Sol.Phys, in press). A very large (5 Mbyte) movie of this
flare is located at This image and caption submitted by Dave McKenzie |
Page Created by Ryan McWilliams and Piet Martens