Magnetic flux tubes are formed in the convection zone. As the flux tubes rise through the convection zone they may be twisted by turbulence or they might be created along with some twist. After emergence flux tubes, within active regions, may be further twisted by footpoint motions.
Alpha is a parameter describing the amount of twist in a magnetic field.
From Ampere's Law we have
If we assume that active regions are in equilibrium then
we have a balance among
Pressure, Gravity, and Magnetic Forces.
But Fp and Fg are small compared to the magnetic forces so we can say
which implies that J and B are parallel, and also we can
combine (1) and (3) to
But this implies that curl(B) is parallel to B so it follows that we can write
If alpha is constant we say that there is a linear force
free field and if alpha is some function of space
then we say that alpha is a non-linear force free field.
For a given value of alpha, the
minimum energy state of a closed flux system is known to be a linear force
free field. Therefore we might expect magnetic fields to converge to a
single value of alpha and in the process release energy somehow, such as
in the form of solar flares.