Week 5

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Beginning Magnetic Modeling

I began this week finishing up the plots of loop characteristics. Cumulative loop area and flux for case 1 are displayed below. I initially had some trouble on the voltage plot using the IDL DERIV function on Monday, but I finished that plot as well by the end of the week. In the middle of the week, I worked on my presentation for the solar group meeting on Thursday as well as the midterm presentation the week after. At the group meeting on Thursday I found that there was a lot of interest in comparing the 211 angstrom data (what I've been working on) with the 171 angstrom data that Marika has. In the coming week, I'll be looking at recreating some of the plots I've shown here in the 171 angstrom band. At the end of the week I also began familiarizing myself with the magnetic charge topology modeling code, starting with a quadrupole configuration.

Cumulative area during case 1 calculated from loop diameters.
Cumulative flux during case 1 calculated from loop area using a magnetic field of 10 Gauss.
A smoothed plot of voltage during the case 1 event with the median voltage overlaid.
Voltage during case 1 with median voltage overlaid.