Further Study

            With the FIND_JZ_V2 program written, the next step is to build up a database of active region parameters. Obviously the more active regions studied the better the statistics. There are many studies that could be performed on this data. One in particular could be to investigate the relationship between total current in an active region and the frequency of eruption of that region. One might expect a result like the assumption in Fig. FS1. The greater the total current in the active region the greater the number of times it erupts on it's journey across the surface of the sun.

Possible Result
Fig. FS1 Assumption of the relationship between total current in an active region and the frequency of eruption of that region.

Weather this is in fact the result which is obtained it will have to be seen, but if it is than a quantitative relationship between total current in an active region and frequency of eruption will have been shown for the first time. i.e. a possible eruption prediction technique based on pure 'physics'.

Other possible studies may include the investigation of active region stability based on the distance between oppositely polarized fields in the same active region.
