Brian A. Larsen
Graduate Student

Montana State University
(406) 994-7375 Office (x7375)
(406) 994-7383 Lab (x7383)
(406) 994-4452 Fax
KD7NMW on 2m or 70cm


My Rig

I have only recently gotten into HAM radio but I do have a small collection of interesting information.

My only radio is an ICOM T7H I did some research and borrowed most of it from a friend and decided this was a good way to go. I found a good thing to do was read the reviews at, the more absurd the complaint the better the radio, some guy was complain about the IC-T7H's antenna poking his armpit when clipped to his belt, some people have to complain about everything.


One thing that really make HAM radio handhelds really usable is repeaters, is there one, two, or three in your area?

For a nationwide service this seems pretty good. (
If you are local to the Bozeman, MT area the local HAM radio club GHRC gives tests about every three months as well as a lot of other activities. I haven't gotten involved with the club yet, but I may. There repeater list is here in a more readable format than they had.

Bozeman, Montana

A good place to study for the FCC license test is QRZ's practice tests

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