Robert J. Leamon

Contributed and Invited Talks

Invited Talks

  1. ``Dynamics of the Solar Wind Dissipation Range,'' International Union of Radio Science - National Radio Science Meeting (Boulder), January 2000.
  2. ``Kinetic Dissipation of the Interplanetary Turbulence Interaction with Cyclotron Waves, Kinetic Alfvén Waves and 2-D Structures,'' IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly (Hanoi, Vietnam), August 2001.
  3. ``Spatial Transport and Heating of the Solar Wind by Dissipation of Turbulent Magnetic Fluctuations,'' (Presented on behalf of Charles W. Smith and William H. Matthaeus) IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly (Hanoi, Vietnam), August 2001.
  4. ``Cascade and Dissipation in Solar Wind Turbulence,'' 43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (Long Beach, CA), October 2001.

Contributed Talks

  1. ``Dynamics of the Solar Wind Dissipation Range at 1 AU,'' RJL, Smith, Charles W., Ness, Norman F., Matthaeus, William H., and Wong, Hung K.; Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (Baltimore), May 1997.
    (Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78 (No. 17), Supplement, S251, 1997.)
  2. ``Dynamics of the Solar Wind Dissipation Range at 1 AU, II: Oblique Waves and MHD Turbulence,'' RJL, Smith, Charles W., Ness, Norman F., Matthaeus, William H., and Wong, Hung K.; (presented by C. W. Smith); Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (San Francisco), December 1997.
    (Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78 (No. 46), Supplement, F552, 1997.)
  3. ``Damping of Oblique Kinetic Alfvén Waves as the Cause of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Dissipation Range,'' RJL, Smith, Charles W., Ness, Norman F., and Wong, Hung K.; Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (Boston), May 1998.
    (Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 79 (No. 17), Supplement, S272, 1998.)
  4. ``The Dynamics of Dissipation Range Fluctuations with Application to Cosmic Ray Propagation Theory,'' RJL, Smith, Charles W., and Ness, Norman F.; 26th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Salt Lake City), August 1999.
    Proceedings published by AIP.
  5. ``Spectral Transfer, Cyclotron Sweep and Heating of the Solar Corona,'' RJL, Matthaeus, William H. Smith, Charles W. Zank, Gary P., Mullan, Dermott J., and Oughton, Sean; Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (Washington, DC), May 2000.
    (Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 81 (No. 19) Supplement, S360, 2000.)
  6. ``Properties of magnetic clouds resulting from eruption of coronal sigmoids,'' RJL, Canfield, Richard C., and Pevtsov, Alexei A.; Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (Boston), May 2001.
    (Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82 (No. 20) Supplement, S312, 2001.)
  7. ``What is the role of the kink instability in eruption of X-ray sigmoids?'' RJL, Canfield, Richard C., Blehm, Zachary and Pevtsov, Alexei A.; Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (Washington, DC), May 2002.
    (Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83 (No. 19) Supplement, S264, 2002.)
  8. ``Helicity of a magnetic cloud and its progenitor active region,'' Brian J. Lundberg, RJL, and Canfield, Richard C.; NSF SHINE Workshop (Banff, Alberta), August 2002.


  1. ``Dynamics of the Solar Wind Dissipation Range for Magnetic Fluctuations,'' Space and Atmospheric Sciences Group weekly seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, August 1999.

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Last modified Thu Oct 24 16:40:37 MDT 2002