Description of the save files contained in this directory. -"Shear_in_pixel_units.sav" file contains the velocity shear data in units of km/s/pixel. This is also the data shown in the javascript movies. -"Shear_in_microHz.sav" file contains the velocity shear data in units of microHz. -"shear_data.sav" file contains: "avg_shear" - time averaged velocity shear data used to generate contour plot with units of km/s/pixel "sm_shear" - This is the final velocity shear results before applying a 10 image running average for smoothing. Result after this smoothing is given in the two save files mention above. **All of these result have had: -boxcar smoothing applied with either 12, 20 or 25 pixel width -data was divided by the mean before running the LCT program