Data & Supporting Files for the Null Point Catalog |
(Explanation of files presented here.)
These are examples of observed CNPs from the compiled catalog. (a) & (b) are examples of asymmetric coronal streamers and (c)-(f) show symmetric coronal streamers. (b) also happens to be a CNP found and explored further in Masson et al. (2014). (c) & (d) shows the predicted spine orientation to be nearly perpendicular to the observed spine at the top of the dome and (e) illustrates an example of the two agreeing with each other quit well. (g) & (h) are examples of features described as “mono-streamers” that were included as a positive result. (f) & (g) are examples of features which were included as an observed CNP, but this finding could be open to interpretation.
Last Updated: July 24, 2014