Filament Channel seen in Multiple Wavelengths

Science Nugget: May 22, 1998

This week we examine a filament channel that is currently on the southeast limb. The current constellation of observatories (on the ground AND in orbit) allows us to explore solar features in a variety of wavelengths. Only in this way can we uncover the many different aspects of solar structures.

The H-alpha and Calcium K images of the chromosphere (courtesy of Meudon Observatory) show us the filament itself, and the plage outlining either side of the channel:


H-alpha, 20-may-98, 07:03 UT 
Calcium K, 20-may-98, 07:15 UT 
An image from SOHO EIT in 304 Angstroms shows a similar configuration, though with more detail and at a slightly greater height. It clearly demonstrates that the filament lies in a channel outlined by bright edges:
304 Angstroms, 20-may-98, 19:25 UT

Imaging the hotter gasses, the 195-Angstrom band of EIT and Yohkoh SXT show us more of the structure that surrounds the filament. In 195 Angstroms we begin to see the loops that connect this region to other active regions, and the outlines of arches that extend above the filament. In SXT we see the overarching structures that help to define the filament channel, but the filament material itself is generally too cool to emit appreciable amounts of X-rays:

195 Angstroms, 20-may-98, 21:54 UT 
SXT, 20-may-98, 17:13 UT 

David McKenzie and Hugh Hudson, 22-May-98 (email