MM#003 Major Flare Watch

Max Millennium Chief Observer mmchiefobserver at
Thu May 16 19:20:37 MDT 2024

Dear Collaborators,

Solar activity has been at moderate-to-low levels. The largest event
in the previous 24 hours was an M1.0 flare at 07:50 UT on May 16
from the limb target region. This limb region also produced three
~C5 flares in the period. It has been designated as NOAA 13685 with
a beta-gamma/D-type configuration. The Major Flare Watch campaign
will continue today with 13685 remaining as the target. Please note
that NOAA 13679 (S09E18, beta-gamma/E-type) also produced four
~C4 flares. Further C-class activities are expected with a good chance
of M-class flares in the next few days.

The position of NOAA 13685 on May 16 at 23:30 UT is:

S13E64 (-820", -200")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Ying Li (Purple Mountain Observatory)

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