CHIANTI V.7 correction

Enrico Landi elandi at
Fri Nov 11 10:46:00 MST 2011

Dear Colleague,

since the release of CHIANTI Version 7.0, we realized that 4 files
were included in the database that should not have been there. As
a consequence, they caused several routines to crash both in the
stand-alone version and in the SolarSoft distribution.

We removed those files and now the software is working.

If you use CHIANTI through SolarSoft that is automatically mirrored,
the update will occur automatically within the next few days. For a faster
solution, you can manually fix your the SolarSoft directories by removing
the following files:

(chianti top directory)/h/h_1/h_1.reclvl
(chianti top directory)/he/he_1/he_1.reclvl
(chianti top directory)/cl/cl_16/cl_16.reclvl
(chianti top directory)/k/k_18/k_18.reclvl

If you use CHIANTI through the stand-alone tar file, we recommend that
you download and install the new tar file in your CHIANTI directories.

The new tar file can be found at our web site location:


We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.

Best regards,

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