RHESSI Nuggets in November 2023

Hugh Hudson Hugh.Hudson at glasgow.ac.uk
Tue Dec 12 05:19:33 MST 2023


No. 459, "Bouncing motions of fast electrons using Nobeyama Radioheliograph,” by Keitarou MATSUMOTO. Solar evidence for conservation of second adiabatic invariant in particle motion.

No. 460, "Search for a Flare Anticipation Index (FAI),” by Hugh HUDSON and Jim MCTIERNAN. Quantifying flare precursors on a few-minute time scale.

No. 461, "Aurora-like Radio Emission from a Sunspot,” by Sijie YU. Maser action above a sunspot.

No. 462, "Coronal Bright Points,” by Daniel NÓBREGA-SIVERIO. Bright EUV rowel-like structures can result from null-point reconnection.

We welcome almost any contribution to the RHESSI Nuggets. The topic may wander some distance away from specifically RHESSI results if it is generally interesting. See http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/RHESSI_Science_Nuggets for these and others. Comments about specific flares can often be found by searching for their SOLyyyy-mm-dd identifier from this home page.

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