Monographs/books for free

Keiji YOSHIMURA yosimura at
Fri Oct 13 16:37:36 MDT 2023

I'm forwarding a post about free monographs/books from Markus Aschwanden.



10 un-used monographs/books are available for free,
for students, PhDs, Post-Docs, and solar researchers,
Just e-mail me your full postal address.

First comes, first served!

2 copies, Aschwanden (2002), hard-bound
"Particle Acceleration and Kinematics in Solar Flares"

1 copy, Aschwanden (2004), hard-bound,
"Physics of the Solar Corona. An Introductiion"

1 copy, Aschwanden (2005), soft-bound,
"Physics of the Solar Corona. An Introduction"
 with Problems and Solutions"

1 Copy, Aschwanden (2019), hard-bound
"New Millennium Solar Physics"

4 Copies, Aschwanden (2011), hard-bound
"Self-Organizewd Criticality in Astrophysics"
The Statistics of Nonlinear Processes in the Universe

1 Copy, Aschwanden (ed. 2013), soft-bound
"Self-Organized Criticality Systems"

markus.josef.aschwanden at


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