These are high resolution solar X-ray images from the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope. They are large files (up to several megabyte) in tiff format.

Publication credit: The solar X-ray images are from the Yohkoh mission of ISAS, Japan. The X-ray telescope was prepared by the Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the University of Tokyo with the support of NASA and ISAS.

UPDATED! The Changing Sun, 1991--1999: TIFF, 40 Mbyte; JPEG, 1.7 Mbyte
The Changing Sun, 1991--1995
The Solar Corona on May 8, 1992
The Solar Corona on January 24, 1992 (TIFF), (JPEG)
Color-reversed (TIFF), (JPEG)
The Solar Corona on 12-NOV-91 11:28:20 UT
The Solar Corona on 1-FEB-92 01:50:58
The Solar Corona on 16-JUN-92 11:22:29
The Solar Corona on 11-OCT-92 13:35:08
The Solar Corona on 27-APR-93 13:00:43
The Solar Corona on 27-JUL-93 11:37:17
The Solar Corona on 2-DEC-93 08:35:25
The Solar Corona on 23-MAR-94 12:25:28
The Solar Corona on 25-JUL-94 13:12:19
The Solar Corona on 14-JAN-95 12:31:00
The Solar Corona on 1-MAY-95 11:54:42
The Solar Corona on 27-JUL-95 10:36:34

Publication credit: The solar X-ray images are from the Yohkoh mission of ISAS, Japan. The X-ray telescope was prepared by the Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the University of Tokyo with the support of NASA and ISAS.
