How to insert image and movie files

First, be sure you understand where the image or movie file is located, relative to  the page that you are editing.  In this example, the  image and movie are in the same directory as this page (example.html), so the local address (URL) of the image or movie file is simply its name. If the image is in a subdirectory, say called images, then the image file address relative to this page is ./images/filename. 

How to insert an image (.jpg, .gif):

On Composer's Insert menu, choose Image, which opens the Image Properties pane.  When you click Choose file for the image you want (Sunspot.gif in this example) click the box that says "URL is relative to page location".  Fill in the blanks you think are right for at least the Dimensions and Location tabs, then click OK!  Then click on the Save or Browse icon to view what you've created using Ice Ape.  To change the dimensions of the image, for example, bear in mind that this is an image property.  Go back to the Composer window, select the image, and then go Composer's Format menu  and choose Image Properties, make the necessary changes. See what you've done using the Browse icon.  To change the alignment of the image on the page, for example, which is not an image property, but rather a page property, select the image and pick the appropriate icon on the formatting bar, saving what you've done using the Browse icon.  There's Help on the main menu!


How to insert a movie (.mpg, .mov)

The procedure for inserting a movie or any other file into your page is the same  as for an image, except on the Insert menu, choose URL rather than Image.  There are many fewer options than for an image; for example, you are going to have to size the original movie, to make it look good on the screen.

Movie of a coronal mass ejection