;this is a program to plot a various function for a range of frequencies that will result in a rainbow type graph. There needs to be a plot in the first place for the program to overplot, and deselect each type of rainbow you don't want using semi-colons before hand
;Rainbow for density of nulls
for i = 0,49 do begin
oplot, zz, denulls[*,i],color = 2 + 5*i
;Rainbow for cutoff values
for i = 0,49 do begin
oplot,zzz,DG[*,i],color = 2+i*5
endfor ;overpolots a rainbow of DG against height for different frequencies
;Rainbow for dimensionless G
for i = 0,49 do begin
oplot, zzz, gcz[*,i], color = 2 +i*5 ;overplots a rainbow of dimensionless G against height for different frequencies