REU 2013 Room Assignments Etc.

OS Programming Experience Roskie rm # Rm phone # Parking
Isabel Lipartito
EPS 230 laptop MacBook Pro 10.6.8, X11 Writing graphic programs with Python for a year; lots of experience using IRAF for data reduction and programming; having used Matlab to to write mathematical calculation and astronomy data reduction programs. 412 - no
Roberto Santiago
Kankelborg and Jaeggli
EPS 230 laptop Windows Used Maple and Mathematica in college, intermediate level; experience in Microsoft robotics program with visual basic and C++ 308 - no
Shane Sullivan
Qiu & DesJardins
EPS 230 laptop Windows Vista (no supporting disk) Experience with Fortran. other other yes
Benjamin William
Qiu & DesJardins
EPS 230
laptop Windows introduction to Fortran module, 1 semester 309 - no
Zhicheng Zeng
Qiu & DesJardins
EPS 230 laptop Windows proficient in IDL 315 - no
Amy Chou
EPS 230 laptop MacBook Pro starting IDL - - no
David Stauffer
EPS 230
laptop Mac, Lion, no X11 Programmed in Java and C; ran programs by others in Matlab. 312 - no
Daniel Gordon
EPS 230
laptop Samsung Series 7 Chronos, Windows 8, X-window used IDL extensively to produce graphs during a six week research project. Mainly used other peoples IDL and FORTRAN programmes; also wrote own programs for graphs and simple interpolation. 15 credit module in FORTRAN; currently completing a 20 credit module of IDL/FORTRAN, involve writing FORTRAN modules for numerical methods and uses IDL to produce graphs. 314 - no
Joshua Mirth
EPS 230
laptop Ubuntu Linux X11 & Windows 7 X-window a semester of C programming, moderate amount of Matlab, Python, and Java, have read some Fortran code; comfortable using Matlab. 306 - no
Filip Rozpedek
EPS 255 desktop laptop for tutorial: Windows XP (no XWin3) Mathematica for a semester; writing short codes. Also experience with using Maple codes (4 yrs). 313 - no
Jade Ream
EPS 255 desktop laptop for tutorial: Windows PC only programming experience in Studio and Java. 408 - yes
Andrew Seel
COBH 409
laptop Ubuntu 12.10/X11 + Windows 8 very familiar with C and Matlab programming in coursework. 305 - no
Marcello Ruffolo
COBH 409
laptop Windows 7 Ultimate x64 4-6 months of recent experience with Matlab and Octave; wrote a program to model the collapse of a self gravitating gas cloud. Knows the general form and can pick up quickly. 307 - yes