Always Remember : It Is A Great Day For A Great Day.

Study Finds People On Dates Know Within 30 Seconds If The Other Person Is Bryan Scherrer.

#SELFIE lyrics or Elise quotes?

'OMG! I've got a moth in my ear!'

'After we go to the bathroom, can we go smoke a cigarette?'

'I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes. Do you think I should take it down?'

'I cannot.'

'There's no vodka at this table'

'In case anyone was wondering, eating reduced sodium olives is basically the equivalent of eating no olives.'

'She definitely bought all her Instagram followers'

'Ok, lets go take some shots'

'So there's that.'

'But first let me take a Snapchat.'

Hannah being Bryaned.

10 things to do in Bozeman, MT.

1. Shake hands with Eagle Spirit

2. Sunbathe Naked (with or without a princess)

3. Consume Huckleberries

4. Hate on IDL

5. Rodeo it up

6. Monster trivia nights

7. Get hopelessly drunk during the Art Walk

8. Speak to the 'Green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus' man

9. Complete La Parrilla's Burrito Challenge

10. Think less, drink more.

The Fratastic Four

Thoughts on our trip to Glacier National Park

Thank you everyone for quite a summer.