First, go to /disk/data/mimccart and make a new subdirectory called "testvsodata". Then, still in mimccart, open SSWIDL and do this: IDL> result=vso_search('2011-01-21 10:00','2011-01-21 11:00',$ IDL> inst='aia',wave=171,sample=60) IDL> log=vso_get(result,out_dir='testvsodata',filenames=fnames,/rice) Then ; IDL Version 7.1.1, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64) ; Journal File for davidmckenzie@Gallatin.local ; Working directory: /Volumes/Harddisk2/Data/Emerge/Example_VSO/data ; Date: Wed Jun 10 13:41:15 2015 fnames=find_file('./aia*fits') & help,fnames n_files = n_elements(fnames) aia_prep,fnames(0),-1,ind0,dat0,/norm index2map,ind0,dat0,map0 sub_map,map0,roi0,/log ;; This is a manual step. tbeep,2 ;help,roi0,/str ;; ;; Now the idea is to identify the extraction ROI for the remaining N-1 images. ;; aia_prep,fnames(1:n_files-1),-1,index,data,/norm ;; This is a memory hog. ;; Try the /do_write_fits option? .run $HOME/Programs/sswstruct_fill_hacked ;; Get from DMcK .run $HOME/Programs/ssw_track_fov_pix ;; Get from DMcK ssw_track_fov_pix,index,cutind,llx,lly,nx,ny,ref_map=roi0 cutdata=fltarr(nx,ny,n_files-1) ;; Throw away the first image because (i) it's misaligned with the others ;; by 2-3 pixels, and (ii) the index structure has different tags. for i=0,n_files-2 do cutdata(*,*,i)=data(llx(i):llx(i)+nx-1,lly(i):lly(i)+ny-1,i) help,cutdata save,filename='homemade_cutout.sav',cutind,cutdata ;; ;; Alternative: Read_sdo with the llx,lly,nx,ny keywords ;; Prep those with /cutout ;; ;;read_sdo,fnames(1:60),newind,newdata,llx,lly,nx,ny ;;aia_prep,newind,newdata,rpind,rpdata,/cutout,/norm ;; Nope, that destroys the tracking. ;; (Marika had a similar result: /cutout on actual cutout ;; data destroyed the tracking.)