Week5: Fitting my procedure into the pipeline

Anya was here this week to help with the project.

Anya's stackplot output was a fits header file (taken from a 600x5px slit avereaged down to 600x1px) in the following format

[0:599,1:n] are the slices
[600,1:n] Julian date for each frame
[0:599,0] x-coord (arcsec) from disc center of first image
[601,1:n] left coord of slit in arcsec from disc center at time t[i]
[602,1:n] right coord "
[603,1:n] s_shift[i], amount of shift in arcsec to match [0:599,0] coords
[604,1:n] y-coord of slit in arcsec from disc center at t[i]
where n is the number of images.

We originally thought [0:599,0], [603,1:n] could be 0 because they wouln't be used, but we ran into problems with that later.

Making the header file was pretty straightforward, because we could take a lot of the translation from the index header files. I ran into an issue because I didn't have a list of images for input at first for the headers. I also somehow couldn't put a list into the resulting header, but that turned out to be ok.

When I got my stackplot procedure to work, I ran it through 'stack_time_average' which did a 3 minute average from my stackplot.

I compared my original stackplot to the adapted for pipline stackplot and the one after averaging, to make sure everything looked ok. It did, which was good.

I ran into issues in calling the 'select_loops' procedures. Anya gave me an updated version of 'zoom_image'. I began to get the procedure-is-undefined-variable error in this step, too.

But in running this, I was getting all-0 diameters for the loops. This problem came from [0:599,0] in the fits header. We originally thought it could be 0, but it needed to be the x-coordinate for each pixel of the slit on the first frame.