REU 2018 Room Assignments Etc.

OS Programming Experience Parking
Nicole Albanese
Takeda Barnard Hall 255 laptop Mac OS X Version 10.13.4 have not programmed in IDL; some experience programming in C++. maybe
Courtney Klein
Barnard Hall 255 laptop
Windows have used python for two years and have experience creating own scripts: comfortable with the formatting good at doing research online to help trouble shoot. yes
Heather Mei
Barnard Hall 255 laptop Apple 10.12.6, OS Sierra; XQuartz 2.7.8 never used IDL; experience programming in C++ from one computer course, beginner level; experience using various astronomy software during summer intern. no
Michael Spiegel
Zhu Barnard Hall 255 laptop Windows 10 never used IDL; extensive experience with Python and Fortran 90; used Python to simulate wave function propagation; use Fortran 90 at the particle accelerator lab for various data analysis algorithms. no
Jada Walters McCarthy Barnard Hall 255 laptop MacBook Pro, macOS High Sierra have not used IDL; have programmed in C, Matlab, OpenDX, Fortran (1-year experience), and Python (3-year experience); have used Matlab and OpenDX for data analysis in the past semester; familiar with C, but have not coded in the language no
Phillip Ward
Barnard Hall 255 laptop Windows 10 never used IDL; good experience in C++, Java, Python and Matlab, good foundational understanding of basic data structures and algorithms, an internship as a software developer last summer yes
Jordan Baker Shaw CoBH-411 REU-provided laptop - never programmed in IDL, some programming in Matlab and a fair amount of coding in Vpython (including using NumPy); have written many programs in VPython to model and compute physical situations, experience with loops, lists, arrays, and methods of numerical integration and numerical differentiation in VPython. yes