The "leader" of the Guild, Sean has the most experience of anyone in the Guild currently. He began playing METW when it first came out in December of 1995 and hasn't stopped playing it since. Sean enjoys playing a few other CCGs as well, including Magic: The Gathering, but MECCG is his true love. He enjoys reading in his spare time (Tolkien, of course) as well as skiing, hiking and golfing in Montana's outdoors. Sean is also active on Undernet IRC (as Osse), which is a chat room program over the internet...if you are interested on dropping by, click here and you can get everything you need! Sean is a college student at Montana State University with a double-major in biochemistry and physics.
Tye...what can be said about him? This is something we pondered for well, not too long (he's kinda shallow...=P)...He's majoring in Marketing at the loverly MSU. Besides his love for Tolkien..and HOBBITS ('cause they rule), he enjoys chatting with everyone and their sister ('cause he's single), working two jobs, and handling his scholastic duties. Tye joined the player group in May of 1997.
Cooch, a METW gamer for about a year now, is the most dedicated to the cause of the wizards (he hates minion cards). Hazard favorites include wolves/spiders, and hero resource ideas most always include going south (for the Southrons). In addition to METW, Cooch enjoys playing and listening to music and spending countless hours behind his school books (just ask any of the guild members...I never have time to play METW). He just read the Lord of the Rings for the first time this past year. Cooch joined the play group in May of 1997.
As one of the newer members of the guild, Josh enjoys reading new cards that he hasn't seen before (he really loves reading those new hazards in the middle of games...=P) and getting taught new things about the game daily. His love for the world of Middle Earth started as a boy, being read to, at his bed time, the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. As a student of Computer Science at MSU, Josh also enjoys other games such as Star Wars CCG, for which he is a Member of the Rebel Squadron for Decipher(kind of like being a Crown's Guardsman for ICE). Having more Minion than Hero, he is always striving to prove that a good deck can come out of it (which he does quite well incidentally...). Josh joined the group in July of 1997.