Why the sun ?

The sun has been the focus of study for thousands of years. Ancient people realized that the sun was linked to everything around them. They figured out that everyday and seasonal occurrences on earth were related to the sun. They used this correlation to their benefit by using the sun to forecast the seasons for crop planting and eventually to keep time. The sun posed the only regularity in their lives. As time flowed by and earth experienced more revolutions around the sun people began to see that the sun was not quite the perfect and regular sphere that it seemed. Although Chinese astronomers reported seeing dark spots on the sun as early as 2nd century B.C.E., this observation is credited to Galileo. He documented the first sun spots about 1,800 years later. These obsevations lead to more discoveries. People began to see the sun as a dynamic, hostile, and yet a life and light giving object. As knowledge of the sun grew so did it's myseries. Infact what we see with our naked eye is not the whole picture. What we see as the surface is where the gas has become less dense so it is transparent to light. So different methods where developed in order to observe the "whole picture".

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short and simple

1. We are linked closely to the sun

2. Many dynamic events that occur on the sun occur everywhere in the universe

3. There is just alot to learn from our closest star

4. one more reason

Why coronal loops? | start