What is String Theory ?

GUT-  Grand Unified Theory

TOE- Theory Of Everything

String Theory
: Any class of theories in physics that describe the fundamental particles and their    
as one dimensional entities - strings. (Taken from Q-is for Quantum )

So how did we get to our present view of the Universe ?
                    Numerous Pre- Newton thinkers
                                               Early Ancients  - Ptolemy   Geocentric Model (earth centered universe)

                                               Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) - Heliocentric Model (sun centered)

                                               Galileo (1564-1642) - makes important observations that support          
                                                      Copernicus's heliocentric model (phases of Venus, moons of Jupiter)
                                                         also begins to experiment with gravity
                                                Johannes Kepler (1571- 1630) - Uses observational data from Tycho        
                                                       Brahe to prove the heliocentric model and demonstrates that orbits  
                                                       are not perfect circles but ellipses follow
                                                                 Kepler's Third Law: Period^2 = semi-maj axis^3
                    Issac Newton (1642-1727)- Develolpes  Calculus, He uses mathematics to develop laws                                         of motion in Newtons Law's   1st  inertia
                                                                                     2nd F=ma
                                                                                     3rd action and reaction
                                     With these laws he attemps a theory of gravity (universal law of graviation)                                               which for our everyday experiences are still valid.
                                                    F=G(m1*m2)/r^2  introduces G, the universal constant of gravitation                                          These laws explain Kepler's claims. Newton then provides a more precice form                                                 of Kepler's Third Law.
                                       Newtonian Mechanics dominates numerical description of reality

                      Michael Faraday (1791-1867) - introduces the concepts of fields ( where interactions                                               such as gravity, electricity, and magnitism extend their influence without the                                           need for a medium-aether ) and lines of force
                                        Starts important work on electricity and magnitism,
                                         formulates laws of electrolysis (1833)

                     James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) -  Uses Faraday's idea's of the field, electricity and
                                         magnitisim to develope  the Electromagnetic Field Theory
                                         This theory describes light, electricity, and magnitism at the classical level

                     Albert Einstien (1879-1955)-  Gives us  relativity
                                          Special relativity in particular builds on Maxwell's equations assuming                                                               Newtonian Mechanics is wrong (1905)
                                           Genral relativity deals with a genral description of accelerating matter
                                           Introduces time as the forth dimension and the ideas of Space-time and
                                                  world line
This sets the standard for modern classical physics and describes most of the large scale  observable universe up to this time. However mytserious things were being observed on the small scale. Classical physics was at a loss for an explination of these conflictions.
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