IDL Tutorial Day 3 Dt: 3 Jun 21 By: Suman Panda email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Download 350.fits from the Day 3 idl tutorial page linked in the REU 2021 schedules page to your working directory. You should now be familiar with moving files to and from your local machine to the solar server you are working with. Ubuntu, linux and mac users can use scp to acheive this and windows users have to open a sftp session with the mobaXterm and then they can use drag and drop operations or simple copy paste to move files to and from local and remote solar server. If you still have problem with this, please see Keiji Yoshimura. Below is Keiji's information which can also be found at his website ( Keiji Yoshimura Phone: (406)994-7848 Fax : (406)994-4452 E-mail: Department of Physics Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717-3840 Read the data cube 350.fits: Hinode/SOT data Familiarize yourself with dimentions of the data in 350.fits Check the header information to learn more about the data. 350.fits contains stokes I,Q U,V. We will focus on stokes I in this exercise. Use reform to reshare array dimentions. Plot_image of the slice of Sun for a particular wavelength. plot wavelength for a particular solar x and y. See how the spectral line shape changes when solar x and y is within a sunspot.