* Yohkoh Data Becomes Available Without Any Delay ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yohkoh Data Becomes Available Without Any Delay >From Takeo Kosugi >27 Feb 2001 A new decision has been made in the international Yohkoh team that all the Yohkoh data be immediately opened to the world science community without any delay except for a short time for reformatting the data. This new policy will become effective when this announcement is circulated. For more than nine years since launch on 30 August 1991, the Yohkoh team has opened a full set of data, together with a software package for data analysis, after one year had elapsed since acquisition. The one-year interval for privileged data use by Yohkoh team members was introduced as a reward to those who worked hard for instruments buildings as well as to those who contribute to daily satellite operations by sacrificing their own time to do science. On the other hand, the one-year interval might not be idealistic for the quickest and widest data use by the world science community. After evaluating such positive and negative aspects, we have reached a consensus that the reasoning for holding the privileged data use interval is now drastically reduced thanks to longevity of Yohkoh. Thus, with concurrence by ISAS, we here announce a new policy that all the Yohkoh data be opened immediately after acquisition. We hope the world science community in solar physics and solar-terrestrial physics will analyze Yohkoh data as actively as but more quickly than before. Those who are not familiar with how to make use of the Yohkoh data, please contact the Solar Data Analysis Center, NASA/GSFC ( yohkoh_sdac@solar.stanford.edu ), the UK Yohkoh team at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory (J. Len Culhane; jlc@mssl.ucl.ac.uk ), or the ISAS Yohkoh Analysis (Takeo Kosugi; kosugi@solar.isas.ac.jp ). ------------------------------------------------------------------------