4. Solar Physics Group (continued)

"We use data from space!"

"We operate solar observing satellites from MSU!"

[What are the merits of observation from space?]

Various Solar Space Missions

* Yohkoh (1991 -- 2001) Japan/US/UK -- 1st CCD on-board, only solar mission early 1990s.     movie
* SOHO (1996 -- present) ESA/US -- L1 mission     image1 movie1 movie2
* TRACE (1998-- 2010) US -- Sun syncronous orbit     movie
* Hinode (2006 -- present) Japan/US/UK -- biggest solar optical telescope in space
    movie1 movie2
* STEREO (2006 -- present) US -- twin spacecrafts before and ahead of Earth in orbit image1 image2 image3 Movie1
* SDO (2010 -- present) US -- geo-stationary satellite, 10+ wavelengths, 4096x4096 every 12 sec     movie
* IRIS (2013 -- present) US -- high resolution spectroscopy in UV range
* Solar Probe(2018? --) US
* Solar-C (2019? --) Japan/US/UK
* Solar-D (20??? --) Japan/US/UK

Our Sun is a variable star!

Movie of Monster Prominence by SDO
M9 Flare Combo by SDO and LASCO
Mechanism of Aurora

Aurora(Northern Light) from Bozeman