Dear Dr. Salvo Guglielmino :
INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
Thank you for your participation in Hinode-17/IRIS-15/SPHERE-3 joint
science conference held in Bozeman, Montana, USA for the period
July 23-27, 2024.
This letter is to certify your presentation at the conference:
Date |
07/23/2024 |
Session |
No.1 |
Type |
oral |
Title |
Small-scale eruptive phenomena in active region NOAA 12585 |
Author(s) |
Salvo Guglielmino, Mariarita Murabito, Vincenzo Andretta, et. al. |
Date |
07/23/2024 --- 07/26/2024 |
Type |
poster |
Title |
Energy release phenomena observed at high-resolution with GREGOR and IRIS
Author(s) |
Salvo Guglielmino, Fabiana Ferrente, Serena Lezzi, et. al. |
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Dr. Aki Takeda

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Dept. of Physics, Montana State University
P.O. Box 173840 Bozeman, MT 59717-3840
Phone:+1 406-994-3614
conference web site: https://solar.physics.montana.edu/h17_i15_s3/
LOC contact e-mail : loc_h17i15s3@solar.physics.montana.edu