---------------------------------------------------- The Hinode17/IRIS15/SPHERE3 conference wrap-up work: ---------------------------------------------------- + Travel and childcare support payments to the applicants. - Takeda finalized the list applicants, amount of support, and confirmation of paperwork submission, then send these info to Gina Reynolds at MSU conference services: 1) childcare support to 2 families ($686) 2) travel support to 12 US domestic applicants ($6,768.87) 3) travel support to 18 international applicants ($11,252.46*) * this number does not include the amount to be paid by ESA/IRIS fund. - Most part of the applicant list (27 out of 32) was submitted to the conference services before 8/19 (and the rest 5 on 8/26), but they have not been processed until 9/3 due to staff shortage at the conference services. It may take a few more weeks until the applicants receive the money via a check (US applicants) or wire transfer (international applicants). - With all expenses paid, it turned out the conference business account has a surplus of nearly $10k. This is because we have 24 participants (16% of in-person participants) who paid the late fee ($500), which is higher amount than we used for budget estimation, and also because we fortunately did not use the contingency money (penalty for hotel group booking, etc). Therefore, we are able to donate $5.5k (equivalent amount we received from ESA for management support) to the next Hinode conference site (MSSL?). Regarding the rest ($~4.5k), we would like to send to the MSU solar group account to reward the supports they provided for our conference. + Web page maintenance: - Presentation file archive opened during the conference was closed on 8/30. The numbers of files collected as of 8/30 are reported by Yoshimura as follows: Oral: 55 out of 88 presentations. 12 out of 21 Invited talks. 43 out of 67 Contributed talks. Poster: 30 out of 80 presentations. - The online portion of the conference was achieved via the zoom system provided by the SPHERE team (Amir Caspi at University of Colorado). The presentation video archive was planned to create, but given up due to technical difficulties: The recording was made per session but there were several presenters who prefer NOT to be included. Creating the video archive per presenter (removing the part of who does not want to include) requires significant amount of work. Creating presentation video archive is originally requested by the SPHERE group, and the SPHERE group (Amir Caspi) says they do not have the resource to do this work, so we decided not to pour our time and effort for creating the video archive. - Group photos of the conference were taken on 7/25 after the 1st AM session. David McKenzie provided the camera, and shots were taken by Jonathan Dove at the conference services. The photos are uploaded to the conference web site on 8/1. - The participant list was finalized and can be accessed from the conference web site since 8/30. Total number of participants : 172 in-person : 151 on-line : 21 -------------------------------------------- - Submitted by Aki Takeda, 6-September-2024