Operation of Hinode/XRT and Data analysis
Hinode is a
NASA-supported international project among Japan, US and UK to observe
the Sun from Space in high resolution.
- Hinode : means "sun rise" in Japanese
- in operation since late 2008.
- 3 instruments onboard:
- SOT (Solar Optical Telescope) -- Lockheed, JAXA
(X-Ray Telescope) -- SAO(∋MSU), JAXA
- EIS (EUV Imaging Spectrometer) -- NRL, MSSL, JAXA
Satellite Operation
- MSU undertakes 8 duty weeks/year as an XRT Chief Observer(CO).
- in charge of creating XRT observing plan.
- check of instrument status and verify the latest downloaded data.
- attend daily operation meeting with other Hinode COs (via zoom
from 19:30 MDT) and communicate with the proposers of joint observations
(via e-mail).
- attend weekly XRT team meeting (telecon Weds 18:30 MDT)
and give a report.
Your hard work makes you famous internationally!
Data Analysis
- Solar event analysis using Hinode or other projects
(SDO, IRIS, PSP, SO, etc.)
- Synoptic(long-term) study using
archived data at MSU .
More information?
- Summer time support available (Jun-Aug). --- can be a trial period ---
- Longer support after September, of course, available.
Contact : Aki Takeda (aki.takeda@montana.edu)