XRT synoptic images : Improvement and Archive

1. Improvement of image quality

1-1. From 2-image to 3-image composites.

Source data (synoptic data set at 2013/06/07 06:07), click to enlarge.

short exposure medium exposure long exposure
Open/Ti-poly 0.0327 sec Open/Ti-poly 0.2560 sec Open/Ti-poly 1.0255 sec

Maps of saturated pixels (click to enlarge).

short exposure medium exposure long exposure

Resulting composite images (click to enlarge).

short + long medium + long short + medium + long

Close-ups of the Active Region.

[ memo ] Images prepared with TRIPLE_SYN_DEMO.PRO.

1-2. Correction of the contamination spots.

XRT_SPOTCOR.PRO (provided by S.Sarr at SAO, 2-Sep-2013) applied to the composite synoptics images (click to enlarge).

sample 1 : Al-mesh image (left: before application, right: after)

sample 2 : Ti-poly image (left: before application, right: after)

1-3. Treatment of missing frames.

Modification of MK_XRT_COMP3.PRO to handle missing frames, i.e.,

Modification of MK_XRT_COMPOSITE.PRO.


1-4. Correction of pointing info in the FITS header.

The following FITS tags about the pointing in the official XRT level0 products are not precise enough to give exact location of the limb or sun center coordinates.

Sample of pointing tags in a Level_0 FITS file (XRT20130718_181542.5.fits):
hdr_l0.CRVAL1          DOUBLE          -40.000000
hdr_l0.CRVAL2          DOUBLE          -22.145500
hdr_l0.CROTA1          DOUBLE          0.69997900
hdr_l0.CROTA2          DOUBLE          0.69997900
hdr_l0.XCEN            DOUBLE          -40.000000
hdr_l0.YCEN            DOUBLE          -22.145500
Fortunately, Keiji Yoshimura succeeded in correcting the XRT pointing info by applying limb fitting to the synoptic images. I used his results (and his procedure, KY_XRT_READ_COALDB, to access to his database) to correct the above FITS tags for the FITS files of the synopcic composite images.
IDL> coaldb_dir='/disk/users/yosimura/XRT_Coal/Limbfit/coaldb.seq02'
IDL> hdr_scia=ky_xrt_read_coaldb(hdr_l0,top=coaldb_dir)
Corrected pointing tags in the SCIA FITS header for the corresponding data (comp_XRT20130718_181542.5.fits):
hdr_scia.CRVAL1          DOUBLE          -25.872089
hdr_scia.CRVAL2          DOUBLE           18.439325
hdr_scia.CROTA1          DOUBLE         -0.29034933
hdr_scia.CROTA2          DOUBLE         -0.29034933
hdr_scia.XCEN            DOUBLE          -25.872089
hdr_scia.YCEN            DOUBLE           18.439325

Plot_map of Level_0 (left) and SCIA (right) FITS files.

2. Synoptic Composite Images Archive.