Optimization of the Open/Al_poly FLD (flare detection) Filter.

(10-Jul-2022, initial version by Aki Takeda)


We started to use a new version of FLD table (#001A: Open/Al_poly at 4 msec) since 23-June-2022, and on 8-July-2022, XRT observed the first major flare ( M2.5 event from AR13053) with the flare mode triggered by the new FLD table:
Flare mode detected:  8-Jul-2022 20:21:48.008 -  8-Jul-2022 20:45:47.061
[Bad_Photo entry/exit: 20:46:00 - 21:22:00]
Flare mode detected:  8-Jul-2022 21:23:09.394 -  8-Jul-2022 21:30:28.364

#Event  Begin   Max    End  Obs  Q  Type Loc/Frq  Particulars       Reg#
6050 +  2007   2049   2128  G16  5   XRA  1-8A    M2.5    7.9E-02   3053
At least as long as this event is concerned, the new FLD table is working properly : the timing of flare trigger on/off is reasonable, causing no excess triggering after the main phase, as shown below (click image to see movie).


Review of Chronological Record