The "Yohkoh Software" Recently Modified/Created for YLA

28-Sep-2010, Aki Takeda

Te-EM analysis software

New procedures/functions are currently located in /disk/hl1/ylegacy/yla_ssw. To be an official version, in the near future.

- SXT_TEEM3.PRO  (modified version of
; (recent modification history)
;       20-Feb-2010 Aki Takeda, - change the default sre file
;                            (Mewe to Chianti with coronal abundance).
;                        - added SRE_FILE keyword to accept user-specified
;                            response functions.
;                        - setting hard-wired variable in a separate
;                            routine,
;       06-Aug-2010 Aki T, - added UNC_P1, UNC_P2 keyword to pass photon noise
;                             calculated outside this program.
;       28-Sep-2010 Aki T, - update the path of the default sre file
;                             (ydb_beta -> $SSW_SXT/response).

[ Example ]
; Use default sre-file (Chianti, coronal)
    IDL> sxt_teem3,5,sig_a2,4,sig_be,te,em,d_te,d_em,unc1=unc_a2,unc2=unc_be

; Use other sre-function, pass photon noise (e.g. output of sxt_dn_unc)
    IDL> sre_hybrid='$SSW_SXT/response/sre_ch601_hybrid_chianti.genx'
    IDL> sxt_teem3,3,sig_am,5,sig_a2,te,em,d_te,d_em,sre_file=sre_hybrid, $
         unc1=unc_am,unc2=unc_a2, unc_p1=uncp_am,unc_p2=uncp_a2

(now renamed to SXT_FLUX.PRO to make SXT_DN_UNC work with Chianti)

; (recent modification history)
;   2-jul-2010, Aki Takeda - Update default sre-file, Mewe --> Chianti.
;  14-jul-2010, AkT, Added the /mewe keyword to go back easily to Mewe sre.
;                    Name changed from SXT_FLUX2 to SXT_FLUX.

[ Example ]
; DN for get_expdur(index) with Mewe database
    IDL> Flux = sxt_flux(LogTe,index,/mewe) 

; Photon for get_expdur(index) with default database (Chianti, coronal).
    IDL> Flux = sxt_flux(LogTe,index,/photons) 

- CHIANTI_SPEC.PRO (counterpart of and
;    Calculate spectrum with, then rebin the intensity
;       into the user-specified wavelength bins.

[ Example ]
  IDL> Flux = chianti_spec(temp,wave_edges)               ; ph s-1
  IDL> Flux = chianti_spec(5.0e6,[1,8,20,30],/erg)        ; erg s-1

;       For given level_1 index structure(s), this function goes back to
;        the level_0 images and runs SXT_PREP (and SXT_DN_UNC, if set)
;        to return the uncertainty array.
;Calling :,     <-- L1 index to L0 orbit file.
;,       <-- to figure out the pair for PFI assembly.
;,     <-- setup local DBs for sxt_prep.
;,     <-- setup local DBs for sxt_prep.
;          sxt_prep, sxt_dn_unc.
[ Example ]
    IDL> unc_arr = index2unc(index)

; Add photon noise at Te=10^7 (K).
    IDL> unc_arr = index2unc(index,/photon,logte=7.0)  

Variation of Return SATPIX array instead of UNC array.

[ Example ]
    IDL> satpix = index2satpix(index)

Information software

All updated software are stored in $SSW/yohkoh/gen/galileo/idl/lmsal/.

These functions were modified to work with FITS headers as well as XDA indexes. No difference in calling sequences (arguments and keywords).

- GT_COMP.PRO     (official in 2007)
- GT_DP_RATE.PRO  (official in 2007)
- GT_DP_MODE.PRO  (official in 2007)
- GT_EXPMODE.PRO  (official in 2007)
- GT_FILTA.PRO    (official in 2007)
- GT_FILTB.PRO    (official in 2007)
- GT_MBE.PRO      (official in 2007)

- GT_CORNER.PRO      (official in 2009)
- GT_CORNER_CMD.PRO  (official in 2009)
- GT_EXPDUR.PRO      (official in 2009)
- GT_PERCENTOVER.PRO (official in 2009)
- GT_PFI_FFI.PRO     (official in 2009)
- GT_RES.PRO         (official in 2009)
- GT_SEQ_TAB.PRO     (official in 2009)
- GT_SHAPE.PRO       (official in 2009)
- GT_SHAPE_CMD.PRO   (official in 2009)

Below was the modified associated with corrected alignment between SXT and the Aspect Sensor (WL telescope).

- GT_CENTER.PRO      (official in 2010)