The Tsuneta Flare Revisited.
Review of the Tsuneta flare.
- Cusp flare observed on 1992/02/21 on the E-limb from NOAA 7070.
GOES XRS flux (1-8A) M3.0 at maximum phase (~04:30UT).
- Having fast rise(~1.5 hours) and long decay (~10 hours) phases.
- SXT observation in flare-mode with Al.1, Al12, and Be filters.
- Solid analysis by Tsuneta (1996) ApJ. vol.456, pp.840-849.
FFI(full sun) movies
(20-Feb 18:47 -- 21-Feb 17:53).
Mpeg format
Al.1 filter PFI movies
(20-Feb 23:41 -- 21-Feb 18:03).
Mpeg format
Al12 and Be PFI movies
(21-Feb 00:09 -- 04:36).
Te-EM analysis using the latest response functions.
- Data selected for analysis: 04:16:28 -- 04:38:04 (64x64, FL-M).
data information
- Te and EM derived from the filters Be and Al12.
- Te derived from different filter pairs.
- Temperature variation along the vertical center line.
Te-EM analysis at other time frames.