XRT 2D Analysis of Te, EM & Irradiance

31-Jan-2025 : initial version

Al_mesh image Al_poly image Te EM Irradiance

1. Purpose

Apply the filter ratio method to pairs of XRT images to obtain Temperatures, Emission Measures, and Soft X-ray Irradiances in 2 Dimension and compare the results with those from full-Sun intenrated signals.

2. Method

  1. Start from the same image pairs from the full-Sun integrated study.
  2. Calculate Te and EM with XRT_TEEM modified for synoptic images.
  3. Refine image arrays (remove bad Te images : more images need to be eliminated than full-Sun integrated pairs).
  4. Calculate 2D soft X-ray irradiance for 5-60A wavelength range.
  5. Mask out the area > 1.1 Rs and calculate values for comparison with full-Sun integrated case.

3. Programs

4. Results