=========================================================== BEGIN XRT DV REPORT: 2015/06/19 by Aki Takeda (MSU) Report covers 2015/06/18 10:00 - 06/19 10:12 =========================================================== 1) Check HouseKeeping and Health & Safety. All HK readings are in the expected ranges. The C_C0_STAT keyword status remained normal at 0. 2) Review XRT data No new problems other than reported in the previous DV reports. Flare mode detected: 18-Jun-2015 18:40:17.061 - 18-Jun-2015 18:40:48.805 Flare mode detected: 18-Jun-2015 18:41:56.117 - 18-Jun-2015 18:49:17.262 Flare mode detected: 18-Jun-2015 20:14:10.034 - 18-Jun-2015 20:17:22.696 These are associated with the GOES M3.0 event from AR12371 from 16:30UT. At the onset, XRT was in SAA, and flare mode was not triggered. ------------------------------------------------------- XRT Timeline to be uploaded on 2015/06/18 Period: 2015/06/18 10:00:00 - 2015/06/23 10:14:00 ------------------------------------------------------- *** Normal mode *** XOB #1A91: AR Standard-A(Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be) with PFB, 384x384 at 1064 1048, thin-Be, thick-Al, and Al/Poly context, with G-band (1ms/16ms leak), 160s cad 06/18 10:14:06 - 06/18 12:39:54 : # OP start + 10min/ EIS limb observation of AR 12365 06/18 12:43:00 - 06/18 17:36:24 : AR12367 tracking 06/18 18:40:06 - 06/18 21:08:30 : # HOP271 (AR12367) G-band VLS close 16ms images corrupted due to saturation. Ti-poly flare patrol suffers high background. 06/18 21:53:06 - 06/19 03:34:30 : AR12371 tracking 06/19 20:53:06 - 06/20 03:54:54 : AR12371 tracking Not covered in this report. XOB #1A93: Synoptic Q95 2x2 - Al/mesh(8/128/1024) + Dark cal(2x2 4x4 8x8 512 Q98) + Dark cal(1x1 512x2048 - 1x1 2048x512) + Ti-poly(16/362/2048) + Thin_Be(64/1024/5795ms) + G-band (VLS open 1ms closed 16 ms 95%comp) 06/18 17:39:30 - 06/18 17:48:30 : synoptic, shifted -23.5 min/ Stray light measurement (XRT; 17:51) Ti-poly long exposure suffers high background. 06/19 11:10:00 - 06/19 11:26:54 : HOP79 11/20; Synoptic 06/19 18:03:06 - 06/19 18:10:00 : # SOT Flatfield / Synoptic (18:00-18:10) 06/20 03:58:00 - 06/20 04:07:30 : synoptic, shifted 32.5 min Not covered in this report. XOB #1A92: Stray light 2015-11 ; Ti-poly Al-mesh 2x2 full FOV(1min-cad) and 2x2 256 on AR(10sec-cad) 06/18 17:51:00 - 06/18 18:37:00 : synoptic, shifted -23.5 min/ Stray light measurement (XRT; 17:51) Images are taken as expected (G-band 2x2 8ms, saturated). XOB #1A8E: CME watch - 4x4 - AEC 2 - Al-poly - G-band (2x2,1ms) - Leak (16ms) - 120s cad 06/19 04:16:06 - 06/19 04:33:24 : HOP79 1/20 06/19 04:36:30 - 06/19 05:11:00 : HOP79 2/20 06/19 05:54:30 - 06/19 06:11:24 : HOP79 3/20 06/19 06:14:30 - 06/19 06:51:30 : HOP79 4/20 06/19 07:33:00 - 06/19 07:49:54 : HOP79 5/20 06/19 07:53:00 - 06/19 08:31:00 : HOP79 6/20 06/19 09:11:30 - 06/19 09:28:24 : HOP79 7/20 06/19 09:31:30 - 06/19 09:48:24 : HOP79 8/20 OK. 06/19 09:51:30 - 06/19 10:12:30 : HOP79 9/20 06/19 10:50:00 - 06/19 11:06:54 : HOP79 10/20 06/19 11:30:00 - 06/19 11:54:00 : HOP79 12/20 06/19 12:28:00 - 06/19 12:44:54 : HOP79 13/20 06/19 12:48:00 - 06/19 13:04:54 : HOP79 14/20 06/19 13:08:00 - 06/19 13:32:00 : HOP79 15/20 06/19 14:10:00 - 06/19 14:26:54 : HOP79 16/20 06/19 14:30:00 - 06/19 14:46:54 : HOP79 17/20 06/19 14:50:00 - 06/19 15:10:30 : HOP79 18/20 06/19 16:01:30 - 06/19 16:18:24 : HOP79 19/20 06/19 16:21:30 - 06/19 16:49:00 : HOP79 20/20 06/19 17:38:06 - 06/19 18:00:00 : # SOT Flatfield / Synoptic (18:00-18:10) 06/19 18:13:06 - 06/19 20:05:30 : # SOT Flatfield / Synoptic (18:00-18:10) 06/20 04:52:06 - 06/20 07:28:00 : EIS sensitivity monitoring Not covered in this report. *** Flare mode *** XOB #1A77: Flare - multifilter 26 sec cadence (Be/thin, Be/med, Al/thick), AEC 3(thin-Be AEC2), 384x384 + context (med-Al,thick-Be -384x384 + Al-poly 512x512 2x2) + Gband (32ms) + Darks - 30 loops 06/18 10:14:06 - 06/18 12:39:54 : # OP start + 10min/ EIS limb observation of AR 12365 Flare mode detected: 18-Jun-2015 18:40:17.061 - 18-Jun-2015 18:40:48.805 Flare mode detected: 18-Jun-2015 18:41:56.117 - 18-Jun-2015 18:49:17.262 Flare mode detected: 18-Jun-2015 20:14:10.034 - 18-Jun-2015 20:17:22.696 OK(see the top of the section 2). 3) Organize any SAO Support requested by the XRT CO. None. 4) Non-arrived data 3 images, EC_ID: 7335 - 7337 missing 06/18 12:38:28 - 06/18 12:38:53 1 image, EC_ID: 7339 missing 06/18 12:38:53 - 06/18 12:39:22 1 image, EC_ID: 7651 is divided in two files 18-Jun-2015 14:21:24.993 1 image, EC_ID: 7512 missing 06/18 13:49:27 - 06/18 13:50:18 2 images, EC_ID: 8100 - 8101 missing 06/18 17:35:21 - 06/18 17:35:36 2 images, EC_ID: 8103 - 8104 missing 06/18 17:35:36 - 06/18 17:36:06 1 image, EC_ID: 8120 is divided in two files 18-Jun-2015 17:40:58.941 1 image, EC_ID: 8190 is divided in two files 18-Jun-2015 18:40:17.061 1 image, EC_ID: 8189 missing 06/18 18:40:07 - 06/18 18:40:17 1 image, EC_ID: 8189 missing 06/18 18:40:07 - 06/18 18:40:17 4 images, EC_ID: 8464 - 8467 missing 06/18 19:29:35 - 06/18 20:14:03 1 image, EC_ID: 8469 is divided in two files 18-Jun-2015 20:14:10.034 4 images, EC_ID: 8724 - 8727 missing 06/18 21:07:20 - 06/18 21:07:44 2 images, EC_ID: 8729 - 8730 missing 06/18 21:08:10 - 06/18 21:53:09 4 images, EC_ID: 9010 - 9013 missing 06/18 23:27:46 - 06/18 23:30:06 2 images, EC_ID: 9037 - 9038 missing 06/18 23:35:10 - 06/18 23:36:14 1 image, EC_ID: 9043 missing 06/18 23:35:10 - 06/18 23:36:14 2 images, EC_ID: 9062 - 9063 missing 06/18 23:41:09 - 06/18 23:41:28 1 image, EC_ID: 9265 missing 06/19 00:24:43 - 06/19 00:57:00 1 image, EC_ID: 9636 missing 06/19 02:47:46 - 06/19 02:50:26 5 images, EC_ID: 9641 - 9645 missing 06/19 02:47:46 - 06/19 02:50:26 4 images, EC_ID: 9675 - 9678 missing 06/19 02:55:51 - 06/19 02:58:03 1 image, EC_ID: 9701 missing 06/19 03:02:39 - 06/19 03:03:39 4 images, EC_ID: 9845 - 9848 missing 06/19 03:33:18 - 06/19 03:33:41 1 image, EC_ID: 9851 missing 06/19 03:34:08 - 06/19 04:16:11 2 images, EC_ID: 9894 - 9895 missing 06/19 04:33:06 - 06/19 04:36:35 1 image, EC_ID: 9925 missing 06/19 04:48:00 - 06/19 04:48:35 1 image, EC_ID: 9982 missing 06/19 05:10:36 - 06/19 05:54:38 1 image, EC_ID: 10118 missing 06/19 06:51:04 - 06/19 07:33:05 2 images, EC_ID: 10298 - 10299 missing 06/19 09:28:03 - 06/19 09:31:35 1 image, EC_ID: 10339 missing 06/19 09:47:00 - 06/19 09:47:35 5) Partial Images XRT20150618_101949.4.fits EC_ID: 6854, 18 kpixel ( 12.5%) missing XRT20150618_110423.7.fits EC_ID: 7053, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20150618_132803.9.fits EC_ID: 7409, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20150618_142124.9.fits EC_ID: 7651, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150618_142130.0.fits EC_ID: 7651, 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20150618_155957.1.fits EC_ID: 7879, 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20150618_173949.6d.fits EC_ID: 8109, 128 kpixel ( 12.5%) missing XRT20150618_174058.9.fits EC_ID: 8120, 640 kpixel ( 15.6%) missing XRT20150618_174105.9.fits EC_ID: 8120, 3456 kpixel ( 84.4%) missing XRT20150618_175432.8.fits EC_ID: 8164, 256 kpixel ( 25.0%) missing XRT20150618_203514.0.fits EC_ID: 8580, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20150618_232734.4.fits EC_ID: 9003, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150618_232746.3.fits EC_ID: 9005, 144 kpixel (100.0%) missing XRT20150618_233014.5.fits EC_ID: 9015, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20150618_234128.7.fits EC_ID: 9064, 192 kpixel ( 75.0%) missing XRT20150619_000735.1.fits EC_ID: 9190, 18 kpixel ( 12.5%) missing XRT20150619_005700.4.fits EC_ID: 9266, 64 kpixel (100.0%) missing XRT20150619_005720.8.fits EC_ID: 9267, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150619_005725.5.fits EC_ID: 9268, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150619_005956.0d.fits EC_ID: 9278, 15 kpixel ( 10.4%) missing XRT20150619_024746.9.fits EC_ID: 9635, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150619_025026.9.fits EC_ID: 9646, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150619_025551.3.fits EC_ID: 9670, 144 kpixel (100.0%) missing XRT20150619_030347.3.fits EC_ID: 9703, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20150619_044635.7.fits EC_ID: 9921, 192 kpixel ( 75.0%) missing XRT20150619_044835.6.fits EC_ID: 9926, 64 kpixel ( 25.0%) missing XRT20150619_055635.6.fits EC_ID: 9988, 128 kpixel ( 50.0%) missing XRT20150619_080905.6.fits EC_ID: 10202, 128 kpixel ( 50.0%) missing These images have all zero value. Something may be wrong ('zero pixcnt') in: /Data/XRT_QL/2015/06/18/H2300/XRT20150618_232746.3.fits /Data/XRT_QL/2015/06/19/H0000/XRT20150619_005700.4.fits /Data/XRT_QL/2015/06/19/H0200/XRT20150619_025551.3.fits LAST TIME of DV REVIEW: 2015/06/20 18:00 UT, 06/20 12:00 MDT LAST IMAGE CHECKED: 2015/06/19 10:12:03 UT END OF REPORT =============================================================================