=========================================================== BEGIN XRT DV REPORT: 2016/09/15 by Keiji Yoshimura (MSU) Report covers 2016/09/13 18:17 - 09/14 18:04 UT =========================================================== 1) Check HouseKeeping and Health & Safety. The ODO_FOCUS plot indicates no "FOCUS RECAL" happened as previously reported ([xrt_co:29624]). All other HK readings does not show any anomalies. 2) Review XRT data ------------------------------------------------------- XRT Timeline to be uploaded on 2016/09/13 Period: 2016/09/13 10:25:00 - 2016/09/17 11:08:00 ------------------------------------------------------- XOB #1B0A: Synoptic Q95 2x2 - Al/mesh(12/181/1024) + Dark cal(2x2 4x4 09/14 06:16:00 - 09/14 06:22:54 : synoptic, shifted 13.0 min 09/14 18:03:00 - 09/14 18:09:54 : synoptic OK XOB #1B48: HOP316 (Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be) with PFB, 09/13 18:13:00 - 09/13 20:14:30 : #HOP 316 09/13 23:03:00 - 09/14 00:59:00 : HOP316 OK XOB #1B0E: CME watch - 4x4 - AEC 2 - Be-thin - G-band (2x2,1ms) - Leak 09/13 20:43:00 - 09/13 22:59:54 : EIS:Temparature Diagnostic E-limb OK XOB #1AFE: AR - Standard Core - (Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be 09/14 01:13:30 - 09/14 06:12:54 : AR cont. 09/14 06:26:00 - 09/14 17:35:30 : AR cont. OK 3) Organize any SAO Support requested by the XRT CO. None. 4) Non-arrived data 4 images, EC_ID: 20872 - 20875 missing 09/13 20:14:00 - 09/13 20:43:00 1 image, EC_ID: 21127 missing 09/13 22:59:46 - 09/13 23:03:03 2 images, EC_ID: 21873 - 21874 missing 09/14 00:58:54 - 09/14 01:13:39 1 image, EC_ID: 21917 missing 09/14 01:22:07 - 09/14 01:22:43 1 image, EC_ID: 22473 missing 09/14 03:55:36 - 09/14 04:27:00 1 image, EC_ID: 23736 is divided in two files 14-Sep-2016 10:58:04.911 2 images, EC_ID: 22817 - 22818 missing 09/14 06:17:43 - 09/14 06:26:04 1 image, EC_ID: 23035 missing 09/14 07:16:15 - 09/14 07:41:34 1 image, EC_ID: 23411 missing 09/14 09:31:39 - 09/14 09:32:13 1 image, EC_ID: 23731 missing 09/14 10:56:37 - 09/14 10:57:12 2 images, EC_ID: 24232 - 24233 missing 09/14 12:56:23 - 09/14 12:56:58 1 image, EC_ID: 24339 missing 09/14 13:21:54 - 09/14 13:22:30 2 images, EC_ID: 24645 - 24646 missing 09/14 14:43:36 - 09/14 14:44:52 1 image, EC_ID: 24957 missing 09/14 15:58:53 - 09/14 16:23:37 1 image, EC_ID: 25261 missing 09/14 17:35:18 - 09/14 18:03:04 5) Partial Images XRT20160913_192349.8.fits EC_ID: 20504, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20160913_195940.5.fits EC_ID: 20767, 144 kpixel (100.0%) missing XRT20160913_200143.6.fits EC_ID: 20783, 120 kpixel ( 83.3%) missing XRT20160914_025750.9.fits EC_ID: 22230, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20160914_033611.6.fits EC_ID: 22390, 100 kpixel ( 69.4%) missing XRT20160914_044253.0.fits EC_ID: 22541, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20160914_045838.9.fits EC_ID: 22606, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20160914_061600.2d.fits EC_ID: 22802, 192 kpixel ( 18.8%) missing XRT20160914_061637.2.fits EC_ID: 22809, 576 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20160914_061656.7.fits EC_ID: 22812, 192 kpixel ( 18.8%) missing XRT20160914_105804.9.fits EC_ID: 23736, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20160914_105807.9.fits EC_ID: 23736, 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20160914_125737.7.fits EC_ID: 24237, 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20160914_125737.7.fits EC_ID: 24237, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20160914_171517.8.fits EC_ID: 25175, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20160914_180448.3.fits EC_ID: 25277, 1728 kpixel ( 42.2%) missing LAST IMAGE CHECKED: 2016/09/14 18:04:48 UT LAST TIME of DV REVIEW: 2016/09/15 22:25 UT, 09/15 16:25 MDT END OF REPORT =============================================================================