=========================================================== BEGIN XRT DV REPORT: 2016/09/19 by Antonia Savcheva (MSU) Report covers 2016/09/16 00:52 - 09/17 10:47 UT =========================================================== 1) Check HouseKeeping and Health & Safety. All HK readings appeared in normal ranges. 2) Review XRT data Flare Observations: Flare mode detected: 16-Sep-2016 21:35:57.165 - 16-Sep-2016 21:39:31.309 Flare mode detected: 16-Sep-2016 21:36:01.058 - 16-Sep-2016 21:39:31.309 Flare mode detected: 16-Sep-2016 21:47:10.388 - 16-Sep-2016 21:50:44.532 There is no signal in these flare observations. There is no corresponding GOES class flare, it looked like bright jet that triggered the event, but it was probably too faint for the flare program. Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 02:22:13.732 - 17-Sep-2016 02:25:43.982. There is no signal in these flare observations. There is no corresponding GOES class flare, loop brightening in AR. Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 05:02:38.021 - 17-Sep-2016 05:06:12.156. Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 05:26:16.985 - 17-Sep-2016 05:29:51.121 There is no signal in these flare observations. There is no corresponding GOES class flare, loop brightening in AR. Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 08:23:13.891 - 17-Sep-2016 08:33:36.803 Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 08:41:24.928 - 17-Sep-2016 08:41:24.928 There is no signal in these flare observations. There is no corresponding GOES class flare, loop brightening in AR. Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 09:00:57.253 - 17-Sep-2016 09:01:11.552 Flare mode detected: 17-Sep-2016 09:01:01.139 - 17-Sep-2016 09:01:11.552 There is no signal in these flare observations. There is no corresponding GOES class flare, loop brightening in AR. ------------------------------------------------------- XRT Timeline to be uploaded on 2016/09/15 Period: 2016/09/15 09:58:00 - 2016/09/20 11:33:00 ------------------------------------------------------- XOB #1B3D: CME watch - 4x4 - AEC 2 - Be-thin - G-band (2x2,1ms) - Leak (2x2,1ms) - 90s cad (G-band/Leak first) 09/16 00:50:30 - 09/16 01:17:24 : (14/20) 09/16 01:20:30 - 09/16 02:02:00 : (15/20) 09/16 02:26:00 - 09/16 02:52:54 : (16/20) 09/16 02:56:00 - 09/16 03:36:00 : (17/20) 09/16 04:03:00 - 09/16 04:29:54 : (18/20) 09/16 04:33:00 - 09/16 05:08:30 : (19/20) 09/16 05:40:30 - 09/16 05:59:54 : (20/20) OK. XOB #1B14: Synoptic Q95 2x2 - Al/mesh(24/256/2897) + Dark cal(2x2 4x4 8x8 512 Q98) + Dark cal(1x1 512x2048 - 1x1 2048x512) + Al-poly(45/512/4096) + Thin_Be(181/2048/11571ms) + G-band (VLS open 3ms closed 3ms Q95) 09/16 06:03:00 - 09/16 06:09:54 : synoptic 09/16 18:06:30 - 09/16 18:13:24 : synoptic, shifted 3.5 min OK 09/17 06:24:30 - 09/17 06:31:24 : synoptic, shifted 21.5 min Missing. XOB #1AFE: AR - Standard Core - (Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be long/short pairs) with PFB, 384x384 at 1064 1048, thin-Be, and Al/poly context, with G-band (3ms/3ms VLS=CLS), 180 cad-2 09/16 06:13:00 - 09/16 10:09:30 : Active Region at East 09/16 16:28:00 - 09/16 18:03:24 : AR cont. 09/16 18:16:30 - 09/17 06:21:24 : AR cont. 09/17 06:34:30 - 09/17 10:47:00 : AR cont. OK XOB #1B4D: HOP81/206 2-filter - Al/poly 8s, Al/mesh 6s 60s cadence, G-band - 384x384 3ms 09/16 10:28:30 - 09/16 16:24:54 : HOP206 N-pole OK. 3) Organize any SAO Support requested by the XRT CO. None. 4) Non-arrived data 1 image, EC_ID: 32123 missing between 16-Sep-2016 01:35:46.053 and 16-Sep-2016 01:36:30.742 1 image, EC_ID: 32375 missing between 16-Sep-2016 03:35:35.849 and 16-Sep-2016 04:03:03.464 1 image, EC_ID: 32488 is divided in two files 16-Sep-2016 04:46:40.539 1 image, EC_ID: 32449 missing between 16-Sep-2016 04:29:30.675 and 16-Sep-2016 04:33:03.553 1 image, EC_ID: 32564 missing between 16-Sep-2016 05:46:00.193 and 16-Sep-2016 05:46:45.542 2 images, EC_ID: 32615 - 32616 missing between 16-Sep-2016 06:04:54.570 and 16-Sep-2016 06:13:04.541 2 images, EC_ID: 463 - 464 missing between 16-Sep-2016 10:08:24.398 and 16-Sep-2016 10:08:59.153 1 image, EC_ID: 589 is divided in two files 16-Sep-2016 10:58:15.914 1 image, EC_ID: 1320 is divided in two files 16-Sep-2016 13:58:47.471 2 images, EC_ID: 466 - 467 missing between 16-Sep-2016 10:09:24.419 and 16-Sep-2016 10:28:33.175 102 images, EC_ID: 791 - 892 missing between 16-Sep-2016 11:47:47.030 and 16-Sep-2016 12:13:05.391 1 image, EC_ID: 1815 missing between 16-Sep-2016 16:24:39.981 and 16-Sep-2016 16:28:03.225 1 image, EC_ID: 2121 missing between 16-Sep-2016 18:03:10.298 and 16-Sep-2016 18:06:32.475 1 image, EC_ID: 2571 missing between 16-Sep-2016 20:22:08.070 and 16-Sep-2016 20:47:04.381 1 image, EC_ID: 2801 missing between 16-Sep-2016 21:59:49.508 and 16-Sep-2016 22:23:04.276 2 images, EC_ID: 3323 - 3324 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 6 images, EC_ID: 3329 - 3334 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3339 - 3340 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3345 - 3346 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3351 - 3352 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 6 images, EC_ID: 3357 - 3362 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3367 - 3368 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3373 - 3374 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3379 - 3380 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 6 images, EC_ID: 3385 - 3390 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3395 - 3396 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3401 - 3402 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3407 - 3408 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 9 images, EC_ID: 3413 - 3421 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3426 - 3427 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3432 - 3433 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3438 - 3439 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 100 images, EC_ID: 3444 - 3543 missing between 17-Sep-2016 00:39:04.391 and 17-Sep-2016 01:50:47.903 2 images, EC_ID: 3546 - 3547 missing between 17-Sep-2016 01:51:13.080 and 17-Sep-2016 01:51:47.922 2 images, EC_ID: 3550 - 3551 missing between 17-Sep-2016 01:52:13.099 and 17-Sep-2016 01:52:47.943 2 images, EC_ID: 3678 - 3679 missing between 17-Sep-2016 02:30:37.360 and 17-Sep-2016 02:31:12.209 2 images, EC_ID: 3682 - 3683 missing between 17-Sep-2016 02:31:37.379 and 17-Sep-2016 02:32:12.220 2 images, EC_ID: 3699 - 3700 missing between 17-Sep-2016 03:03:14.507 and 17-Sep-2016 03:06:45.125 4 images, EC_ID: 3968 - 3971 missing between 17-Sep-2016 04:42:48.981 and 17-Sep-2016 04:49:40.866 1 image, EC_ID: 3980 missing between 17-Sep-2016 04:51:30.655 and 17-Sep-2016 04:51:45.705 1 image, EC_ID: 4444 missing between 17-Sep-2016 08:45:21.620 and 17-Sep-2016 08:45:51.015 1 image, EC_ID: 4446 missing between 17-Sep-2016 08:45:51.015 and 17-Sep-2016 08:46:03.351 2 images, EC_ID: 4492 - 4493 missing between 17-Sep-2016 08:56:25.511 and 17-Sep-2016 08:57:00.264 1 image, EC_ID: 4689 is divided in two files 17-Sep-2016 10:09:39.494 3 images, EC_ID: 4501 - 4503 missing between 17-Sep-2016 09:01:11.552 and 17-Sep-2016 09:25:38.058 1 image, EC_ID: 4505 missing between 17-Sep-2016 09:25:38.058 ad 17-Sep-2016 09:25:50.141 2 images, EC_ID: 4529 - 4530 missing between 17-Sep-2016 09:31:04.528 and 17-Sep-2016 09:31:49.728 1 image, EC_ID: 4547 missing between 17-Sep-2016 09:35:12.780 and 17-Sep-2016 09:35:28.823 1 image, EC_ID: 4557 missing between 17-Sep-2016 09:37:12.820 and 17-Sep-2016 09:38:12.839 2 images, EC_ID: 4844 - 4845 missing between 17-Sep-2016 10:45:57.683 and 17-Sep-2016 10:46:32.535 5) Partial Images Image EC_ID 31904, taken at 16-Sep-2016 00:01:15.681 has 192 kpixel ( 75.0%) missing Image EC_ID 31904, taken at 16-Sep-2016 00:01:15.716 has 128 kpixel ( 50.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32122, taken at 16-Sep-2016 01:35:46.053 has 192 kpixel ( 75.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32305, taken at 16-Sep-2016 03:09:45.918 has 64 kpixel ( 25.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32430, taken at 16-Sep-2016 04:22:45.877 has 64 kpixel ( 25.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32460, taken at 16-Sep-2016 04:36:15.635 has 128 kpixel ( 50.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32488, taken at 16-Sep-2016 04:46:40.539 has 128 kpixel ( 50.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32569, taken at 16-Sep-2016 05:48:15.563 has 64 kpixel ( 25.0%) missing Image EC_ID 32674, taken at 16-Sep-2016 06:25:59.501 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 589, taken at 16-Sep-2016 10:58:15.914 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 589, taken at 16-Sep-2016 10:58:20.175 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 1033, taken at 16-Sep-2016 12:47:46.332 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 1213, taken at 16-Sep-2016 13:32:15.419 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 1320, taken at 16-Sep-2016 13:58:47.471 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 1320, taken at 16-Sep-2016 13:58:49.254 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 1996, taken at 16-Sep-2016 17:33:39.751 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 2493, taken at 16-Sep-2016 20:03:29.225 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4157, taken at 17-Sep-2016 06:41:25.981 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4169, taken at 17-Sep-2016 06:44:26.040 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4322, taken at 17-Sep-2016 07:57:57.584 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 4323, taken at 17-Sep-2016 07:58:02.391 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 4429, taken at 17-Sep-2016 08:33:36.803 has 88 kpixel ( 61.1%) missing Image EC_ID 4435, taken at 17-Sep-2016 08:37:54.681 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 4447, taken at 17-Sep-2016 08:46:03.351 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4459, taken at 17-Sep-2016 08:48:58.098 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4528, taken at 17-Sep-2016 09:31:04.528 has 64 kpixel (100.0%) missing Image EC_ID 4531, taken at 17-Sep-2016 09:31:49.728 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4535, taken at 17-Sep-2016 09:32:29.273 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 4536, taken at 17-Sep-2016 09:32:33.766 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 4548, taken at 17-Sep-2016 09:35:28.823 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 4689, taken at 17-Sep-2016 10:09:39.494 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing LAST IMAGE CHECKED: 2016/09/17 10:47 UT LAST TIME of DV REVIEW: 2016/09/19 16:30 EDT END OF REPORT =============================================================================