============================================================================ BEGIN XRT DV REPORT: 2016/10/04 by Patricia Jibben (SAO) Report Period covers 2016/10/03 06:04:57 UT through 2016/10/04 09:18:35 UT ============================================================================ 1) Check HouseKeeping and Health & Safety. All housekeeping data are within the normal range. 2) Review XRT data No flare activity or flare mode during this period. There was one strange FLD image that is attached. I think the cause of this type of image has been explained before. "it was due to a shutter reset while the CCD was still being read." But I'm including it just in case. I always check every XOB program for saturation in Gband and the Gband show no signs of saturation in any program run during this CP. ------------------------------------------------------- XRT Timeline to be uploaded on 2016/10/01 Period: 2016/10/01 10:08:00 - 2016/10/06 11:26:00 ------------------------------------------------------- *** Normal mode *** XOB #1B18: AR - Standard Core - (Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be long/short pairs) with PFB, 384x384 at 1064 1048, thin-Be, and Al/poly context, with G-band (3ms/3ms VLS=CLS), 90 cad-2 10/03 06:13:00 - 10/03 18:01:24 : # HOP 323 10/04 05:45:00 - 10/04 09:19:00 : # HOP 323 - Okay XOB #1B14: Synoptic Q95 2x2 - Al/mesh(24/256/2897) + Dark cal(2x2 4x4 8x8 512 Q98) + Dark cal(1x1 512x2048 - 1x1 2048x512) + Al-poly(45/512/4096) + Thin_Be(181/2048/11571ms) + G-band (VLS open 3ms closed 3ms Q95) 10/03 18:04:30 - 10/03 18:11:24 : synoptic, shifted 1.5 min 10/04 05:35:00 - 10/04 05:41:54 : synoptic, shifted -28.0 min - Okay XOB #1B02: AR - Standard Core - (Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be long/short pairs) with PFB, 384x384 at 1064 1048, thin-Be, and Al/poly context, with G-band (3ms/3ms VLS=CLS), 90 cad-3 10/03 18:14:30 - 10/04 05:31:54 : # AR obs. - Okay 3) Data arrival at SAO * Note this may be a partial list. I will double-check and report any additional missing images in the next report. 1 image, EC_ID: 7233 is divided in two files 3-Oct-2016 08:23:17.512 1 image, EC_ID: 7360 is divided in two files 3-Oct-2016 09:09:18.431 1 image, EC_ID: 9196 is divided in two files 3-Oct-2016 15:14:31.647 1 image, EC_ID: 7746 missing between 3-Oct-2016 10:23:36.685 and 3-Oct-2016 10:36:03.935 2 images, EC_ID: 9458 - 9459 missing between 3-Oct-2016 16:28:39.626 and 3-Oct-2016 16:29:25.148 1 image, EC_ID: 9471 missing between 3-Oct-2016 16:31:18.358 and 3-Oct-2016 16:31:47.966 1 image, EC_ID: 9736 missing between 3-Oct-2016 17:22:07.282 and 3-Oct-2016 17:47:02.463 1 image, EC_ID: 10053 missing between 3-Oct-2016 18:59:08.702 and 3-Oct-2016 19:23:32.368 1 image, EC_ID: 10393 missing between 3-Oct-2016 20:36:18.638 and 3-Oct-2016 21:01:02.311 1 image, EC_ID: 10712 missing between 3-Oct-2016 22:08:35.562 and 3-Oct-2016 22:09:21.988 1 image, EC_ID: 10734 missing between 3-Oct-2016 22:13:33.969 and 3-Oct-2016 22:36:27.723 1 image, EC_ID: 10926 missing between 3-Oct-2016 23:16:16.484 and 3-Oct-2016 23:17:39.524 2 images, EC_ID: 11085 - 11086 missing between 4-Oct-2016 00:03:27.610 and 4-Oct-2016 00:04:02.848 1 image, EC_ID: 11910 missing between 4-Oct-2016 03:38:00.601 and 4-Oct-2016 03:39:23.617 1 image, EC_ID: 11920 missing between 4-Oct-2016 03:40:39.650 and 4-Oct-2016 03:41:26.073 2 images, EC_ID: 12293 - 12294 missing between 4-Oct-2016 05:30:45.391 and 4-Oct-2016 05:31:26.824 1 image, EC_ID: 11910 missing between 4-Oct-2016 03:38:00.601 and 4-Oct-2016 03:39:23.617 1 image, EC_ID: 11920 missing between 4-Oct-2016 03:40:39.650 and 4-Oct-2016 03:41:26.073 2 images, EC_ID: 12293 - 12294 missing between 4-Oct-2016 05:30:45.391 and 4-Oct-2016 05:31:26.824 1 image, EC_ID: 12399 missing between 4-Oct-2016 06:27:18.020 and 4-Oct-2016 06:27:58.436 4) Partial Images Image EC_ID 6669, taken at 3-Oct-2016 06:04:40.789 has 448 kpixel ( 10.9%) missing Image EC_ID 6669, taken at 3-Oct-2016 06:04:47.844 has 3712 kpixel ( 90.6%) missing Image EC_ID 7124, taken at 3-Oct-2016 08:02:13.204 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 7149, taken at 3-Oct-2016 08:07:01.707 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 7233, taken at 3-Oct-2016 08:23:17.512 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 7233, taken at 3-Oct-2016 08:23:20.028 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 7360, taken at 3-Oct-2016 09:09:18.431 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 7360, taken at 3-Oct-2016 09:09:23.713 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 7758, taken at 3-Oct-2016 10:37:58.701 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 8311, taken at 3-Oct-2016 12:24:48.493 has 10 kpixel ( 6.9%) missing Image EC_ID 9125, taken at 3-Oct-2016 15:01:00.569 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 9196, taken at 3-Oct-2016 15:14:31.647 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 9196, taken at 3-Oct-2016 15:14:34.154 has 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing Image EC_ID 9451, taken at 3-Oct-2016 16:27:52.884 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 9457, taken at 3-Oct-2016 16:28:39.626 has 18 kpixel ( 12.5%) missing Image EC_ID 9460, taken at 3-Oct-2016 16:29:25.148 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 9472, taken at 3-Oct-2016 16:31:47.966 has 32 kpixel ( 50.0%) missing Image EC_ID 10302, taken at 3-Oct-2016 20:16:53.253 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 10704, taken at 3-Oct-2016 22:07:24.522 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 10713, taken at 3-Oct-2016 22:09:21.988 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 11390, taken at 4-Oct-2016 01:08:41.127 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 11889, taken at 4-Oct-2016 03:34:28.812 has 18 kpixel ( 12.5%) missing Image EC_ID 11890, taken at 4-Oct-2016 03:34:35.338 has 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing Image EC_ID 12298, taken at 4-Oct-2016 05:35:01.859 has 960 kpixel ( 93.8%) missing Image EC_ID 12484, taken at 4-Oct-2016 06:45:26.571 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing Image EC_ID 12700, taken at 4-Oct-2016 07:33:56.327 has 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing 5) Organize any SAO Support requested by the XRT CO. None. ======================================================================== LAST IMAGE CHECKED: 2016/10/04 09:18:35 UT LAST TIME of DV REVIEW: 2016/10/04 121:15 UT; 05:15 EDT END OF REPORT ========================================================================