=========================================================== BEGIN XRT DV REPORT: 2016/12/19 by Keiji Yoshimura (MSU) Report covers 2016/12/18 01:43 - 12/18 05:45 UT =========================================================== 1) Check HouseKeeping and Health & Safety. Temperature plots show higer values due to the CCD bakeout. No anomalies found. 2) Review XRT data ------------------------------------------------------- XRT Timeline to be uploaded on 2016/12/17 Period: 2016/12/17 10:55:00 - 2016/12/22 11:08:00 ------------------------------------------------------- XOB #1B60: Synoptic Q95 2x2 - Al/mesh(181/1024/5795) + Dark cal(2x2 4x4 8x8 12/18 05:43:00 - 12/18 05:49:54 : synoptic, shifted -20.0 min OK XOB #1B49: AR Standard-A(Filter-Ratio with Al/poly and thin-Be) with PFB, 12/17 18:09:00 - 12/18 05:39:54 : # AR observation OK 3) Organize any SAO Support requested by the XRT CO. None. 4) Non-arrived data 1 image, EC_ID: 1943 is divided in two files 18-Dec-2016 02:35:43.778 1 image, EC_ID: 2100 is divided in two files 18-Dec-2016 03:31:20.880 1 image, EC_ID: 2362 missing 12/18 04:26:20 - 12/18 04:56:59 1 image, EC_ID: 2481 missing 12/18 05:22:01 - 12/18 05:22:28 1 image, EC_ID: 2563 missing 12/18 05:39:27 - 12/18 05:43:02 5) Partial Images XRT20161218_023543.7.fits EC_ID: 1943, 126 kpixel ( 87.5%) missing XRT20161218_023547.7.fits EC_ID: 1943, 81 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20161218_033120.8.fits EC_ID: 2100, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing XRT20161218_033136.0.fits EC_ID: 2101, 36 kpixel ( 56.2%) missing XRT20161218_034844.7.fits EC_ID: 2181, 63 kpixel ( 43.8%) missing LAST IMAGE CHECKED: 2016/12/18 05:45:26 UT LAST TIME of DV REVIEW: 2016/12/19 18:12 UT, 12/19 11:12 MST END OF REPORT =============================================================================